What is the Pathway For Change Ministry?
It's Sunday School Like You've Never Seen It Before. Folks have been meeting for years, attending Sunday School. Lives have changed; friends have connected, and people have become family. Most important, it allows you to dive deeper into the world! You can share and ask questions. Pathway Change will enable you to grow in your spiritual journey. Our Pathway for Change classes allow our members and guests to fellowship and gain Biblical knowledge in an open, safe environment. Our goal is to enhance your life, strengthen you and your family as you grow stronger in your faith, and compel you to be all you can be for God. Attend a class, commit, and watch God work in your life.

When does Pathway For Change Classes Occur?
Pathway For Change Classes, known to many as Sunday School, occur every Sunday morning at 9:40 am. Additional weekly class times will be offered throughout the year. These classes give you an opportunity to learn, share, and experience a weekly study that can help you be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might (Ephesians 6:10-17).

Find Your Pathway Today

Sunday School Remixed | Sunday Mornings | 9:40am

Core Classes

Young Adults

Your Young Adult years are a time of exploring that next step in life. You want to get it right and we’re here to help. Our Young Adult ministry helps you discover your purpose in life in a community of friends trying to figure it out together. We regularly get together to worship, pray and change the world one life at a time.

Core Classes

Married Couples

Fallbrook is all about helping marriages go the distance. We want to help empower couples seeking marriage to start off on the right foot. We also want to help married couples rediscover, refresh, and recommit their love to each other. Check out our marriage page for more information about our various marriage ministries.

Core Classes


Our Adult classes, ranging from 35 and up,  are places where you can know others and be known. We have classes for adults in their 30s, 40s and 50+ who are actively pursuing a relationship with Jesus by living out God’s purposes for our lives. Whether you’ve never been married, are divorced, are widowed or are a single parent, then this is the place for you.

Stronghold Classes

Experiencing God

The Experiencing God Bible study is based on seven Scriptural realities that teach us how to develop a true relationship with the Creator. By understanding how God is working through us even as we try to fathom His ways, we can begin to clearly know and do His will and discover our lives greatly and gracefully changed.
Fallbrook North Campus
Community Events
The Brook League
Elevate Young Adult Ministry
Men of Valor Events
Epic Student Events
Brook Kids Events
Women's Ministry
Marriage Ministry Calendar
Sunday Worship
Combat Ready
Wednesday Night Gatherings
Counseling and Care Ministry
Family Life Ministries
Seasoned Treasures Ministry
Singles Ministry
Fallbrook Cypress-Katy
Fallbrook Cypress-Katy Small Groups
Family Life Summer Events
Pathway For Change Classes

Financial Stewardship

This Pathway For Change class is all about your money and how we give honor to God with our money. Take Financial Peace University with others in a class in person. You talk to your friends about kids, your new diet, and how crazy your boss is. But debt? Budgeting? That’s when things get weird. Not in a Financial Stewardship class.

You can get real about what’s going on with your money because everyone’s made a mistake or two. (Or 10. Or 100. Who’s counting?) Only this time, you’ll make lasting changes because you’ll have a community at your back saying, “You’ve got this!”